Monday, November 10, 2008

Walking beside me...

A few weeks ago, I took part in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. The relay started at 6PM and went until 6 AM( I made it until about 3 AM and crashed!) The theory behind the walk is "cancer does not sleep." Then again, neither do the patients going through chemo...damn steroids!

Survivors(in the photo is Karen, myself and Linda) had the honor to walk the first lap around the track, families join for the send lap and remainder of participants join for the third lap. Around 10PM, the luminary ceremony took place. Luminaries could be purchased, decorated in memory of a loved one, lit and are placed around the inside track. In the grandstands, they spell out "Hope & Cure" with plain luminaries. It looked beautiful. Rich and I purchased two, one in memory of his mother and one in memory of my grandmother.

When I was about six or seven, I had an autograph book I got at Disney World. My Grams had written a poem in the book. Years ago, I took the poem from my long kept autograph book, and put it in a frame. It has remained either next to my bed or my dresser for many years. I have never seen the poem written in any book, nor have I heard it spoken. It is very dear to me.

Upon walking the luminaries lap, a gentleman took the stand to explain this was a time to remember those lost and those still battling. He began with the wonderful poem my Grams had written in my autograph book. I burst into tears. With goosebumps down my body, standing motionless, I knew she was with me. Never doubt your angels, they show up when you least expect it, or when you need them the most.

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