The camp area was for crew mates and walkers only. Rich was asked to give a speech on Saturday evening. In a sea of pink tents and in front of 3,000 walkers, he spoke from the heart.
Sunday afternoon arrived and so did Rich with a twisted ankle. He managed to make it 60 miles without a problem. He twisted it about a mile from the stadium. He was determined to make it into the stadium and carry his flag for closing ceremonies. I did not make the 60 mile journey this year. The emotion standing on the field was incredible. Energy, exhaustion, commitment and sorrow could be felt standing there. Crew members enter the stadium followed by walkers. The area in front of the stage was filled. Survivors filled the center circle. In the midst of energy and emotion, one shoe is taken off by the walkers and held in the air. Amazing symbolism.

Rich was the last flag to take the stage. Maia and I followed and took our place next to him along with the other guests. Looking out into a crowd of people is very overwhelming. Fulfillment is to see neon green shirts amongst the crowd. With all but one flag presented, survivors in the center circle raised the last flag. Let's find the cure