As quoted by Sue Monk Kidd: "...I can't tell you who I am without telling you who my girlfriend is. Our relationships with other woman are a part of the ground of our being. So I can't say who I am without talking about my female friend and who she is in my life."
I sat by the pool today thinking about a cherished friendship that is about to move from 25 feet to 10,000 miles to Indonesia. Bonnie and I met when Mom was building her home here in Anthem. Our friendship came easy, as true friendships should. Our children have spent the years growing up together. Bonnie's attitude is like mine....what you see is what you get. You will never question where you stand with her. She will give you the advise you never want to hear and love her for it. She is honest, stubborn, independent and caring. She is a friend every woman should have...if you can handle complete honesty. I adore her honesty.
We have laughed, cried, bitched and moaned.....and wined. And I mean WINED. We wined while laughing, crying, bitching & moaning. Good wine, bad wine....wine, wine, wine.
Bonnie, John, Kate & Syndey are a second family. Maia has never had to "miss" anyone other than Nana & Pop-pop. She told me tonight that she is sad they are moving. The best explanation I could tell a six year old......"It is Ok to miss someone. It just means you love and care about them." Little does Maia know how it breaks my heart to see them go.I will not give the Wilmot's a "goodbye", but rather a "I will see you soon." I can guarantee over the next few weeks enough tears will be shed to make a new ocean.